Saturday, April 16, 2011

8lbs in 4 weeks Woo Hoo!!!!

I don't know that I can let everyone know how much I love the new points system with Weight Watchers. I think for the first time I have found and eating plan that fits me and I know I could do this for life. Even if Weight Watchers revamps again one day I don't think I will sway from this.
Here are some of the reasons I like what I am doing.

1. Fruits and Vegetables are free.
Now I have never been good at eating fruits and vegetables regularly. Since they are free with weightwatchers, I now add them to every meal, to help me fill up.

2. I have a really hard time sticking to diets perfectly.
Weight Watchers allows me to customize my points around my splurges. By splurges I mean like last week I really really wanted fresh McDonalds French fries. I had them and then just ate a smarter dinner and then I was able to fit them into my points. The week before I wanted a chocolate pie, mainly because my husband tried to eat one without me knowing but left the wrapper on my seat in the car! I honestly couldn’t get that pie out of my mind so 4 days later I ate one and then ate an extra good dinner and I still stayed in my points range!

3. I am still able to go out and eat with friends without feeling limited.

4. I am exercising regularly now.
Not because I particularly love it but it gives me more points so I can have an extra snack at night. I really need a snack at night and because I worked so hard to earn those extra points, it helps me from choosing something bad at night.

5. I am actually losing weight!
I can’t believe I have lost 8lbs in 4 weeks, this is a first for me, that I have steadily lost weight with an eating plan!

So those are a few of the reasons I like my new eating plan. It has so far conquered my past failures, in the past I would have ate the French fries and pie but I would have never just went back on my diet. Previously I would have felt like I blew it. I now realize I haven’t blown it but that there are ways to still have a few things I love and still live healthy. Better yet they taste even better having them every once in a while, it truly makes them a treat!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wow I am finally back!

I can't believe it has been almost a year since my last post! That is when I left the game, I am not beating myself up too bad because I have learned a lot in that time. I realized I went to an extreme and was too rigid and I set myself up for failure.
I have made some slow changes this past year that has helped. When I go out to eat now, I split my meal with either my mom or my kids. Not only does that reduce the calories but it's less expensive as well! That has helped me lose a few pounds and maintain the weight loss I have had so far.
It was time to step up my game though. I saw a friend recently who had been doing Weight Watchers and she looks great! It really inspired me because they started a new points plus program that allows me more protein, which I need for my diabetes. I have been dabbling with it since the first of February but I got a wake up call (Not an Emergency Health issue!) just and experience that got my rear in gear. When I am ready I will share that experience. I have been doing Weight Watchers now for 4 days and I'm loving it. I know that this is a plan I could do for life and I am totally excited about it. I decided to blog about my experience to help me stay accountable because I am doing it online and I hope I can also help others while I am on my journey!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

4 lb gain not 10

Ok a little more on a positive note, I am down 6lbs this morning. Whew I do believe I deserved to gain 4lbs not 10. I thought 10 seemed a bit excessive and in realty who weighs themselves at night fully dressed? You really should only do that if you can only attend a weightloss meeting after work and at least on those days you have consumed the lightest meals possible wear you lightest clothes and go to the meeting feeling famished. So what was I thinking? So needless to say I would delete my previous post but I think it might be good for me to go back and read it ever once in awhile. Well here's to the positive thoughts of a home run or at least a base hit!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Strike out :'(

Well I haven't had the best couple weeks because my husband lost his job and I have really been stressed. I tried to hold off my natural response of emotional eating but it got the better of me this last week. For most people if they actually looked at what I ate they wouldn't think it was all that bad but when you have a body like mine weight loves to pile on me. Needless to say the hostess pie, blizzard, my dads wonderful spaghetti and hamburger and fries twice resulted in a 10lb weight gain in 7 days. I did work out 5 times this week, so I guess that's positive but it didn't help me on the scale. I don't know why I punish myself by getting on that thing, I think I will pack it up and put in the back of my storage when we move. Well I was benched but now I'm back in the game. I am going to write everyday this week to be accountable, this will be my outlet for a little while. Thanks to those who are listening I hope my comeback is a quick one hopefully no more strike outs and I refuse to be benched!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Suspended from the game by no fault of my own!

I feel bad I haven't posted anything in awhile. This last month has had is ups and downs, mainly downs. I have struggled with my left hip which has made it hard to work out like I have wanted to. The flu hit me really hard I was sick with it 3 weeks had a 2 week break and then hit me hard for another week. I am in physical therapy for my hip and I am slightly better.
My workout goal the next few weeks is Curves 3x wk and water aerobics/swimming 2x wk and my 6th day will be what ever I decide. I am still proud of my eating goals, I decided at my 13th week of sugar free that I felt strong enough to add 1 sugar treat a month for a reward. I chose a hostess pie and a few small candies. It didn't taste as good as I thought it would so I don't think I will pick that next time. The best thing about it though is that I was able to stop with that and keep on my plan, that was my ultimate goal. Well I was suspended from the game awhile but kept the rules and I'm ready to step up to the plate again!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

8 weeks

Well I haven't posted in a while but I am still doing well. I still have not had sugar, it will be 8 weeks tomorrow. I also am still working out and eating well. The one thing I decided to stop doing for awhile is weigh. Simply because it so frustrating to me, to work so hard with little movement on the scale. I am just going to judge it by my clothes for awhile. I was so excited to buy a pair of pants that were a size 14. It's a size I have never worn before because when I gained all my weight which was 13.5 years ago stretch pants were in style. So needless to say when I bought my first pair of jeans I was an 18 and have managed to stay that size for the entire 13.5 years. I figure since I have maintained that size for so long that I have a great chance of maintaining my size, when I meet my goal. As for my goal I just want to be medium and fit. I don't want to be noticed for being too fat or too skinny, I figure a nice medium will be a great fit for me! As for my game a few fouls but still no strike outs!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

5 weeks and going strong!

Well I have been at this for 5 weeks and I am still going strong. I have not had any sugar which has been hard at times but has been rewarding. My diabetes is getting a lot better. I have been exercising 5-6 times a week between 30 min to 75 min. a day. I am feeling a lot stronger. I have only lost 5lbs but I am glad I am measuring because I am a lot happier with those results, 12 inches total!!!! I do measure in a lot of places but I find that keeps me motivated when the scale is moving slow. A special thanks to my friend Mel, you have helped me so much with your encouraging comments!!! It really helps to have people motivate me because sometimes it is really hard to do this alone. I think I have had 5 weeks of awesome hits no fouls or strikeouts!!!!

Stats weight --0
Inches lost
neck .5
rt arm 1.5
chest 1.5
up abs 3
waist 2
hips 2
rt up thigh .5
rt low thigh 1
calf 0